Vegan Rise: The Future of Idioms like ‘Bring Home the Bacon’ and ‘Don’t Put All Your Eggs in One Basket’

As the world becomes more conscious of the environmental, health, and ethical implications of consuming animal products, the number of people adopting a vegan lifestyle is on the rise. This shift in dietary habits has led to a significant change in the food industry, with plant-based alternatives becoming increasingly popular. But what about our language? Will idioms like ‘bring home the bacon’ and ‘don’t put all your eggs in one basket’ become obsolete as veganism continues to grow? Let’s delve into this interesting topic.

The Origin of Idioms

Idioms are phrases or expressions that have a figurative or sometimes literal meaning. They have been a part of our language for centuries and often reflect the culture and lifestyle of the time when they were created. For instance, ‘bring home the bacon’ originated in the 12th century and was used to describe a person who was successful in providing for their family. Similarly, ‘don’t put all your eggs in one basket’ is a metaphorical phrase advising against risking everything on the success of one venture.

The Impact of Cultural Shifts on Language

Language is a living entity that evolves with society. As our values, beliefs, and lifestyles change, so does our language. This is evident in the way new words are added to the dictionary each year, reflecting new technological advancements, social movements, and cultural trends. Therefore, it’s plausible that the rise in veganism could influence our language and idioms.

Will Veganism Change Our Idioms?

While it’s possible that the rise in veganism could influence our language, it’s unlikely that it will lead to the phasing out of idioms like ‘bring home the bacon’ and ‘don’t put all your eggs in one basket’. These phrases are deeply ingrained in our language and are used metaphorically, not literally. Most people who use these idioms probably don’t think about their origins or literal meanings.

Alternative Vegan Idioms

That being said, the rise in veganism has led to the creation of alternative vegan idioms. For instance, PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals) has suggested using ‘bring home the bagels’ instead of ‘bring home the bacon’ and ‘don’t put all your berries in one bowl’ instead of ‘don’t put all your eggs in one basket’. Whether these new idioms will catch on remains to be seen.


In conclusion, while the rise in veganism may lead to the creation of new idioms, it’s unlikely to phase out existing ones. Idioms like ‘bring home the bacon’ and ‘don’t put all your eggs in one basket’ have been a part of our language for centuries and will likely continue to be used, regardless of dietary trends. However, as our society continues to evolve, so will our language, and it will be interesting to see what new idioms the future holds.